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USMNT cannot move Clint Dempsey to the bench

At first I thought it was just an outrageous claim from some random person on some random social media. But it wasn’t. Alexi Lalas, among others on Fox Sports, actually discussed the possibility of putting Clint Dempsey on the bench for the next match. The 33...

Copa America Part 3: An American’s perspective

This is a series delving into the passion and flair that makes the Copa América a worthy tournament of the sport we love. We hope through the succession of these articles you find joy in the tillage of the tournament and discover what makes soccer, fútbol. Please...

USMNT: Landon Donovan exile could be long-term success

So, it’s been awhile since Landon Donovan has been a mainstay in the United States’ soccer world. He used to be it. The bees knees, the hub, the captain, the everything. Landon Donovan embodied United States soccer. And then Jurgen Klinsmann came down hard...